Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Guest on the MAKE MEANING Podcast
As a fiction writer and screenwriter, I'm also an *accidental entrepreneur*. I founded WritingWorkshops.com in 2016, and I got to talk with Lynne Golodner on her MAKE MEANING Podcast about my writing practice and journey as a founder and entrepreneur. You can listen to our conversation here, and thank you to Lynne for having me on!
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
New Fiction in D Magazine Summer Fiction Issue!
The Robocop producers gifted Dallas one of seven replicas of the suit. And who better to take ownership of it, all these decades later, than the recently retired man who had maintained City Hall since 1978.
This year features fantastic short fiction by LaToya Watkins, Harry Hunsicker, Logen Cure, Kendra Greene, Kathleen Kent, Alex Temblador, Mag Gabbert, Tim Coursey, Sanderia Faye, and Mike Soto. Beautiful illustrations by Tatjana Junker.
Thank you to Zac Crain for including my story in this issue, on newsstands and online right here.
Friday, February 11, 2022
New Fiction in A Fire to Light Our Tongues: Texas Writers on Spirituality (TCU Press, May 2022)
I am honored to have a short story in the anthology A Fire to Light Our Tongues: Texas Writers on Spirituality, edited by Elizabeth Joan Dell & Donna Walker-Nixon. The book is forthcoming from Texas Christian University Press in May 2022.
A Fire to Light Our Tongues: Texas Writers on Spirituality brings together the works of writers in Texas. The title is taken, with permission, from Naomi Shihab Nye’s introduction to Salting the Ocean: 100 Poems by Young Poets, where she states the role of poetry serves as “a fire to light our tongues.” This view describes the role that creative writers, encountering the challenges of this past decade, face as they grapple with shifting views of spirituality. While the project started before COVID-19, given the current worldwide pandemic, a book of creative work responding to writers’ spirituality could not be more timely. This anthology offers readers creative works by Texas writers as they wrestle with evolving systems of belief or nonbelief.
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Semi-Finalist in the ISAConnect Action & Adventure Genre Busting Screenplay Competition!
This script has also received multiple 8+ ratings at The Black List along with the following coverage/blurb:
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Screenplay Finalist at the 2021 Los Angeles Crime & Horror Film Festival!
I'm thrilled that my screenplay, NORTHBOUND, is a Finalist in the 2021 Los Angeles Crime & Horror Film Festival this fall! My script advanced to the finals over hundreds of submissions and I'm honored to be included in the festival.
This script has also received multiple 8+ ratings at The Black List along with the following coverage/blurb:
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Advanced in ISA Fast Track Fellowship
I'm excited that my screenplay, NORTHBOUND, has made it to the second round of the ISA Fast Track Fellowship! I'm thrilled my script has made it this far.
This script has also received multiple 8+ ratings at The Black List along with the following coverage/blurb:
Friday, July 9, 2021
D Magazine Reading at LitNight on July 13th!
LitNight Reading Series is featuring authors from D Magazine's fourth annual "Your Summer Reading List" fiction issue on July 13th at 7PM CST via Zoom. The event will be hosted by Sanderia Faye, author of the national award winning novel Mourners Bench, and D Magazine Editor Zac Crain. I'm honored to be included and will be reading with Kendra Allen, Sebastian H. Paramo, Joe Milazzo, Samantha Mabry, A. Kendra Greene, Tim Coursey, and Maryam Obaidullah Baig!
Thursday, July 1, 2021
New Fiction in D Magazine!
I have a new short story in the D Magazine July 2021 Summer Fiction issue with some of my favorite writers: Kendra Allen, LaToya Watkins, Sebastian H. Paramo, Joe Milazzo, Harry Hunsicker, Samantha Mabry, Will Clarke, A. Kendra Greene, Maryam Obaidullah Baig, and Julia Heaberlin!
All of the
stories were inspired by episode titles of the iconic TV show Dallas. I
chose "Winds of Vengeance" and wrote a story set in Dallas and far-flung
parts of Alaska. Thank you to Zac Crain for including my story in this
issue, on newsstands now.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Tor Nightfire Features "Head On"
SmokeLong Quarterly story "Head On" as one of May 2021’s Best Horror Short Fiction and Poetry selections. I'm truly honored and in great company. You can see the selection here and you can read "Head On" here. Thanks, as always, for reading!
Friday, April 16, 2021
SmokeLong Quarterly Reading on April 25th
from the latest issue along with readings from Star Su, Grace Q. Song, and Rupert Dastur. There will be breakout rooms and giveaways. Bring a bottle. Break out your glad rags/unicorn onesie/best pyjamas. Email Editors@Smokelong.com for the Zoom link. In the meantime, you can read my story "Head On" HERE. Thanks, as always, for reading. I hope to see you there!
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Guest on The Brodhisattva Podcast!
Monday, March 22, 2021
New Short Fiction in SmokeLong Quarterly
I have been submitting my stories to SmokeLong Quarterly for a decade now, and I'm excited to say I finally have a story in issue 71, guest edited by the wonderful Steve Edwards! My story is called "Head On" and it is a story idea I had at the start of the pandemic and finally wrote in the summer. I'm happy it now has a home in a literary journal I've admired since I first started taking my writing seriously and sending stories out. I can't thank editors Steve Edwards, Christopher Allen, and the staff at SLQ enough. You can read my story HERE. John Milas interviewed me about the story and you can listen to a playlist inspired by the entire issue on Spotify. Thank you, as always, for reading!
Thursday, March 11, 2021
New Short Fiction in Moon City Review!
I'm really thrilled to have a new story in the 2021 issue of Moon City Review, out next month. My story is called "The Fantasy of Things" and it is a story idea I've had since attending Squaw Valley in the summer of 2014. I finally wrote the story in 2020 and am happy it now has a home. I can't thank editors Michael Czyzniejewski and Joel Coltharp for including me in the issue! Order your copy here. Thanks, as always, for reading!
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Panelist at The Dallas Literary Festival 2021!
I'm honored to be on two panels at the all-online Dallas Literary Festival 2021 sponsored by SMU. The theme this year is TURBULENCE, reflecting the powerful and unpredictable currents in social movements, politics, and public health that have shaped the world in recent years.
As the Keynote Speaker, Alice Marie Johnson, criminal justice reform advocate and author of After Life, will be in conversation with Mitchell S. Jackson, author of Survival Math. Other noted guests include Charles M. Blow, Joy Harjo, Tyehimbe Jess, Yiyun Li, Benjamin Moser, Trevor Pryce, and over 100 more leading literary voices.
I'll be on two panels, which you can see HERE. The festival will run March 26–28, 2021.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Guest on The Dallas Business Podcast This Week
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Speaking at Nimrod International Journal's annual Conference for Readers and Writers
I'll be speaking at Nimrod International Journal's annual Conference for Readers and Writers, which has gone virtual. You'll get an entire month of panels, editor AMAs, readings, and workshops, for free (Oct 17-Nov 18). Plus: my craft talk Character is Action. More info and registration HERE if interested.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
New Work in McSweeney's With My Wife!

Over at McSweeney's, Danielle and I wrote a handy Kama Sutra guide for parents to help you survive the pandemic (trigger warning: no mention of Sting because he is into Tantra). You can read The Parents' Guide to Kama Sutra During A Pandemic right HERE. Thanks, as always, for reading!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
D Magazine Reading at LitNight on July 14th!
The event will be hosted by Sanderia Faye, author of the national award winning novel Mourners Bench, and D Magazine Editor Zac Crain. I'm honored to be included and will be reading with Ben Fountain, Kathleen Kent, Joe Milazzo, Harry Hunsicker, Will Clarke, and Samantha Mabry.
Join us on Facebook Live on Tuesday, July 14, at 7 pm: facebook.com/LitNightDallas
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
New Fiction in D Magazine!
Thank you to editor Zac Crain for including my work along with so many great Dallas-based writers: Ben Fountain, Kimberly King Parsons, Kathleen Kent, LaToya Watkins, Joe Milazzo, Harry Hunsicker, Will Clarke, Julia Heaberlin, Samantha Mabry, & Sanderia Faye.
AND: as the Executive Director of Writing Workshops Dallas, I'm also thrilled there are short stories from 4 WWD instructors in this issue! Grab a copy on newsstands now or read the story HERE. Thanks, as always, for reading!
Monday, April 20, 2020
Launching The Big Texas Read!
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Feature in The Dallas Morning News
Thank you to The Dallas Morning News for interviewing me and featuring #TheBigTexasRead in their Sunday Arts edition! TBTR is a virtual, state-wide reading series Writing Workshops Dallas has launched with Gemini Ink in San Antonio. Thank you to Tim Diovanni for writing such a great piece and for his thoughtful questions. I hope you'll join us!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Short Essay in The Dallas Morning News
Sunday, March 1, 2020
My Screenplay THE COLD RUN Trending at The Black List!
LOGLINE: Brothers and small-time criminals Odell and Bunny must repay their debt to the FBI by helping to solve a murder and find themselves out of their depth and in the middle of a turf war.
Here are some kind words about my screenplay from an industry reviewer at The Black List:
This hyper-violent and occasionally funny thriller had notes of the Coen brothers and Tarantino. It doesn't take itself too seriously, but without losing the gravity of its serious moments. This could be a draw for big-name talent. This is the kind of movie that would warrant a theatrical release. -The Black List
Black List movies have won 53 Academy Awards from 262 nominations, including 4 of the last 10 Best Picture Oscars and 10 of the last 22 Best Screenplay Oscars, and grossed over $26 billion in box office worldwide. Over 400 movies have been produced off The Black List. Now all I need is someone to send the screenplay to...
If you would like to read the screenplay, please send me an email (bgkimzey at gmail dot com).
Saturday, February 1, 2020
New Personal Essay Published by Hobart
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Decade in Dallas Culture | Dallas Morning News & WWD