Saturday, November 28, 2009

Short FICTION 3 Reviewed at Book Fox

Book Fox publishes book reviews and has given Short FICTION 3 a fantastic review. Novelist Lisa Glass authors the review and gives special mention to my story "Little Man" among the 16 stories published in this collection. An excerpt:

"Short Fiction 3 privileges ‘voice’ first and foremost, but I also felt there was a very strong focus on place. For those of you who appreciate interesting artwork, each story is accompanied by at least one commissioned illustration. My favourite stories of the bunch were: “Little Man”, which vividly depicted the tensions between young brothers and sisters; “Emile in the Circus”, a prize-winning story about the decline of a circus and its bear, set against a background of destitution and famine; “The House of Cranes”, a haunting oriental tale of a family’s enchanted plate. I cannot recommend Short Fiction 3 highly enough. It is an astonishingly good collection."

You can check out the full Book Fox review here (scroll down a bit to find the review). And to purchase your copy of Short FICTION 3 click here.


A Lil Sumpin' Sumpin' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Lil Sumpin' Sumpin' said...

[There was a typo the first time around!]

You are awesome!

Glad to see the reviewer gave you a (much deserved) shout out!

Up at the Schwadron Institute this past weekend I got to read your story in ShortFICTION. It was great! I loved the suspense and way you integrated exposition.

I also liked the story about the circus and the super short stories written by Bruce Holland Rogers. said...

reaching for popsicles in the back of the fridge will never be the same! this is my favorite story...yet.